Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Assignment #2 Photographs

This is me. I picked this photo because I felt that it portrays me in what I would consider myself to be light. Physically, I am using the sunlight and the blinds to create a striping on my face. It's an idea I took from a good friend of mine. Metaphorically, I am a person that always tries to remain positive; like a light. I try to keep light in myself, and in others. 
My friend John took this picture of me while rock climbing at Central Rock Gym in Hadley, Ma. I picked this picture to portray my adventurous side. I am a very active person. I love to run, hike, and rock climb. I am always willing to try new things, and make the best out of every experience. 

This is the Metro North Rail Road that goes from New Haven, CT to New York City.  (This is a made up story) The New York Times did a feature story on the public transpiration going in and out of the city. (This is true) This is a photograph I snapped on my personal adventure to New York City this past weekend. 
This is a featured piece of abstract art, a sculpture at Look Park in Northampton. I took this photograph while visiting the Northampton park with my niece. There is not a real story on this particular piece of art, but it certainly grabbed my attention. It just seems so free flowing, but with so much concrete structure. Like if you could capture and cast water.
Westfield State University Global Shadow, I have decided this semester to take a snap shot from the third floor lobby of the communication department building, know as ELY, every day that I am on campus for the entire semester. This Photo I took was just after sunrise. The sun casted a shadow on the snowy ground in front of our Campus Globe. 

This is the Westfield State Globe. I really do not know any factual information about the globe, but I love it. If I were to ever see a picture of it; it would be easily recognizable as the WSU Globe. I would say that it is an icon for the WSU campus. 

This is my dear friend Angela Belz Rock Climbing at Central Rock Gym in Hadley, Ma.  This photo perfectly describes Angela in all of her uniqueness. She is one of the individuals in my life that is the most balanced. She shows absolute ease in all that she does; even if it is difficult for her, it is hard to see that from the outside looking in. She is one of my strongest friends, and has so much grace and beauty. She continuously inspires me to be the best person I can be. 
This is my beautiful niece, Autumn Rose White. She is three years old, and very smart for her age. I love this photo I took of her at Look Park in Northampton. She had just slid down the slide, and showed a true smile. This is one of the few pictures I have taken where most of her tongue is in her mouth. She is a "goofball", and has so much personality for her very young age. I love her very much, and I just thought she looked so cute.

This was a photo I took while my friend Caitlin was playing her guitar she named Mumbles. I was playing around with angles. I ended up really liking the outcome. 

This is another picture of my niece, Autumn Rose White. I again was playing with the idea of angles. She was climbing on a jungle gym at the park. She climbed right over my head and giggled at me. I thought it was a perfect moment to capture, and again her tongue is in her mouth. 

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